Missouri Limousin Breeders Association

Missouri Limousin Breeders Association, 2017

Website for the Missouri Limousin Breeders Association. Goals included easy access to pdf forms, an event calendar, and access to the monthly newsletter.

Uses HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and Wordpress/PHP

Mr. Ooley's website

Mr. Ooley's website, 2010

Website for the local upscale men's fashion clothing store. Client wanted a sophisticated layout with rotating photos and a unique style. This site was built without using any templates or HTML/CSS frameworks. Site was redesigned this month, so link is to archive of my version.

Uses HTML, CSS3, and Nivo Slider

code portfolio icon

Code Portfolio of Mike Morkes

Some examples of my development and code work.


Retro Cassette Player

Personal Project

I got inspired after watching a recently-released Marvel movie and thought a portable cassette deck would be a fun way to practice my coding. I’m hoping to get this working as a web app for the iPhone.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, jQueryRotate, and jQuery

Mike's Magical Movie Quote Generator

Free Code Camp Quote Generator Challenge

This FCC challenge was to build an app that would randomly generate a quote, include a button to generate another random quote, as well as a button to tweet the current quote.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Animate.css, Bootstrap, and jQuery

It's No Gary England, But Here's the Weather

Free Code Camp Weather App Challenge

This FCC challenge was to build a weather app that pulls data from a JSON feed, can toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius, and displays an image that matches the current weather.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Animate.css, Bootstrap, jQuery, and JSON

Simon Game Emulator

Free Code Camp Simon Emulator Challenge

This FCC challenge was to recreate the popular Simon game. Requirements included a strict mode, a turn counter, and a restart button.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Animate.css, Bootstrap, and jQuery

JavaScript Calculator

Free Code Camp JavaScript Calculator Challenge

This FCC challenge was building a working calculator that could add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers; clear the input field with a clear button; and keep chaining mathematical operations together until the equal button is clicked, at which point it will display the correct output.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and jQuery

Toe-may-toe, Toe-mah-toe

Free Code Camp Pomodoro Clock Challenge

This FCC challenge was building a working Pomodoro Clock with the ability to adjust timer length. I also programmed it to work with the client’s system clock, rather than using the JavaScript setTimeout() method, which can be inaccurate.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Animate.css, Bootstrap, and jQuery

Missouri Limousin Breeders Association, 2017

Freelance client project

Website for the Missouri Limousin Breeders Association. Goals included easy access to pdf forms, an event calendar, and access to the monthly newsletter.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and Wordpress/PHP

Mr. Ooley's website, 2010

The Oklahoman Media Company project

Website for the local upscale men's fashion clothing store. Client wanted a sophisticated layout with rotating photos and a unique style. This site was built without using any templates or HTML/CSS frameworks. Site was redesigned this month, so link is to archive of my version.
Built with HTML, CSS3, and Nivo Slider

Twitch.tv Guide

Free Code Camp Twitch.TV Challenge

This FCC challenge was building a Twitch.tv channel guide using the Twitch.tv JSON API. Other requirements included adding the option to toggle the list based on online/offline/all, and including each channel’s avatar.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Animate.css, Bootstrap, jQuery, and JSON

The Great and Powerful Wiki Tiki

Free Code Camp Wikipedia Search Engine Challenge

This FCC challenge was building a Wikipedia search page using the Wikipedia JSON API. It also required a button that would take the user to a random Wikipedia page.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Animate.css, Bootstrap, jQuery, and JSON

Tic Tac Toe

Free Code Camp Build a Tic Tac Toe Game

This FCC challenge was building a working Tic Tac Toe game. Requirements included player option to choose X or O, and game automatically resetting after player or CPU wins.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Animate.css, Bootstrap, and jQuery

Hang ’em High

Personal Project - Hangman game

I decided to build out a Hangman game that a) didn’t require typing in letters to guess, b) would keep a running list of guessed letters the player could view, and c) used a JSON list of words.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, and JSON

Retro Cassette Player Movie Quote Generator Weather App Simon Game Emulator JavaScript Calculator Pomodoro Clock Missouri Limousin Breeders Association Mr. Ooley's website screenshot Twitch.tv Feed Wiki Tiki Wikipedia Search Tic Tac Toe Hangman

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